Friday, May 31, 2019

Macbeth :: English Literature Essays

MacbethMacbeth is presented as a mature man of definitely established character, successful in certain fields ofactivity and en contentmenting an enviable reputation. We essential notconclude, there, that both his volitions and actions arepredictable Macbeths character, like any other mans at agiven moment, is what is being made out of potentialitiesplus environment, and no one, not even Macbeth himself, canknow all his inordinate self-love whose actions arediscovered to be-and no doubt have been for a long time-determined mainly by an inordinate desire for some temporalor mutable good. Macbeth is actuated in his conduct mainly by aninordinate desire for worldly honors his delight liesprimarily in buying golden opinions from all sorts of people.But we must not, therefore, deny him an entirely humancomplexity of motives. For example, his fighting in Duncansservice is magnificent and courageous, and his evident joy init is traceable in art to the natural pleasure whichaccompanies the explosive expenditure of prodigious physicalenergy and the euphoria which follows. He also rejoices nodoubt in the success which crowns his efforts in struggle - andso on. He may even conceived of the proper motive whichshould energize back of his great deed The service and the loyalty I owe, In doing it, pays itself.But while he destroys the kings enemies, such motives workbut dimly at best and are obscured in his consciousness bymore vigorous urges. In the main, as we have said, his natureviolently demands rewards he fights valiantly in parade thathe may be reported in such terms a valours minion andBellonas bridegroom he values success because it bringsspectacular fame and new titles and royal favor heaped uponhim in public. Now so long as these mutable goods are at allcommensurate with his inordinate desires - and such is thecase, up until he covets the kingship - Macbeth remains anhonorable gentleman. He is not a criminal he has no criminaltendencies. But once permit his sel f-love to demand asatisfaction which cannot be honorably attained, and he islikely to grasp any dishonorable heart and soul to that end which maybe safely employed. In other words, Macbeth has much ofnatural good in him unimpaired environment has conspiredwith his nature to make him upright in all his dealings withthose about him. But moral goodness in him is undeveloped andindeed still rudimentary, for his voluntary acts are scarcelybrought into harmony with ultimate end. As he returns from winning battle, puffed up withself-love which demands ever-increasing recognition of hisgreatness, the demonic forces of evil-symbolized by the WeirdSisters-suggest to his inordinate imagination the splendidprospect of attaining now the greatest mutable good he hasever desired.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Power of Discourse in a Political Sex Scandal :: Politics Political Sex Gender Essays

The Power of Discourse in a Political Sex S stinkerdalOn August 12th, 2004 New Jersey Governor James McGreevey became this nations outset openly gay state governor. Several moments after he stated, I am a gay American, he succumbed to intense political and earth pressure by announcing his resignation from New Jerseys most powerful position. This announcement and resignation came after a week of intense allegations that McGreevey internally harassed a male colleague whom he had appointed. While American politics are not foreign to bring upual scandal, the political destruction and individual defeat which McGreevey soon faces is poignantly unique. Throughout his career, McGreevey has been formally investigated for unethical political practices on at least 4 occasions. One of the current investigations includes allegations of fraudulent campaign finance practices and nepotism at bottom upper end political appointments. Despite the severity of these allegations, it was the charge o f sexual assault from a male employee that forced his resignation and retirement from politics. In set to understand the severity of the sexual harassment allegations against McGreevey, it is necessary to look at the situation through the eyes of Rubin and Foucault. Not only did McGreeveys actions reflect the social sexual hierarchy described by Rubin, but through his secrecy and discretion McGreevey disrupted the powerful discourse of his position with political and public realms.In her try on Thinking Sex, Gayle Rubin strictly outlines the rules of sexual conduct which currently exist in Western society. These rules have created a sexual hierarchy which places heterosexual, monogamous, married, reproductive sex at the top. Anything deterring from this position, is placed below in varying degrees. The allegations of sexual assault made against McGreevey not only announce publicly his sexual preference, but agree to Rubin, place him at the very bottom of the sexual hierarchy. Fir st and foremost, McGreevey is a married man. Any act of sexual advance towards anyone besides his wife can be seen as adulterous. Second, these sexual advances were made toward a male colleague while McGreevey remained in a heterosexual marriage. Thus, in the eyes of a bystander, he is eliciting homosexual behavior without claiming full affiliation with the gay community. Most importantly, the allegations of sexual harassment bring into question the consensual nature of his advances. As Rubin explains A representative morality should judge sexual acts by the way partners treat one another, the level of mutual consideration, the presence or absence of coercion, and the quantity and quality of the pleasures which they provide.

Varicella â€Zoster Virus Essay -- Health, Diseases, Chickenpox

Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) is a ubiquitous, double standard DNA virus that belongs to the herpes virus group. Like opposite herpes viruses, VZV may persist in the body after primary infection .VZV is a virus exists across the globe having a high prevalence in temperate climates. It also has a high prevalence in seasons of late winter and early spring. The primary infection results in Varicella (chicken pox) whereas repeated infection causes herpes zoster (shingles). The virus is approximately 150 to 200 nanometer in size, is the smallest of the known viruses causing herpes and lacks genes for several proteins found in HSV, which is the prototype of the alpha herpes viruses, much(prenominal) as glycoprotein D (Mandell et al., 2009). The virus has a high sensitivity to temperature and becomes inactivated at approximately 56-60 degrees Celsius (Arvin, 1996). If it is was exposed to such a high temperature the viral envelope would be disrupted making the virus not infectious. Varic ella zoster virus produces six or more glycoproteins, such as gB (gpII), gC (gpIV), gE (gpI), gH(gpIII), and gL, which are also expressed on the cell membranes during viral replication (Arvin, 1996). The gE protein is produced abundantly in VZV. The gB protein is the target of neutralizing antibodies and may play a role in virus entry. The gH protein appears to have fusion function, facilitating cell to-cell spread of the virus.The prevention of the spread of VZV is difficult because infectious persons can go 1 2 days without signs and symptoms (Arvin, 1996). VZV is transmitted by respiratory droplets or direct contact with rash lesions, and patients are usually hereditary from a few days before rash onset until the rash has crusted over. VZV enters the body throu... ...l VZV infection (chickenpox) can contract chickenpox from someone with recurrent infection (shingles). In such cases, transmission occurs during exposure when the rash is in the blister-phase, not through sneezin g or coughing. Treatments that are available consist of antiviral agent therapy such as acyclovir, famciclovir and valacyclovir (Stoppler, 2011). These antivirals help the severity of varicella and herpes zoster. An important vaccine that is available for people over the age of 60 is called Zostavax. Zostavax is available in the market which can reduce the risk of shingles (Stoppler, 2011). It is a live vaccine that boosts the immune system, provides protections against the virus and it complications. It has shown to reduce the risk of shingles by one-half in older individuals and also reduces the severity and length of disease in those who still develop shingles.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Business Challenges :: essays research papers

Becoming a CEO of a company whether its big or small, is a huge task to carry away on, but feces be the most rewarding depending on how your company does. Either way when going into such a job, in which you are so powerful, you open to regard of each and every challenge that you come across within your job. Challenges that your company will face can vary in many different ways, from environmental issues, to social issues, economic issues, as well as many moreFor my company, Staples, I have worked in the store since I was 15, going through sort of a few managers. Luckily I got to meet people very high in the corporation, such as the president and vice president of the company, and I could see how stressful their jobs have been. As being the CEO of Staples there are many problems that can come into effect. First thing that comes to mind is competition. Our competitors self-assurance Max, and Office Depot are our biggest threat in the office supply business. Our company holds abou t 1100 stores, while they have about 700 each, and each day they take away business from us. We have to fluctuate our prices with whats popular for that time of season, such as pens, notebooks and com countersinkers for back-to-school, and make sure our prices are more handy for the customer. The blurb dilemma that comes to mind is geography. Considering we have over 1000 locations, we have to figure out where the appropriate places for a new store would be. For instance if we only have 2 stores in Maine, we cant put them together, yet we need to put them in a somewhat populated place, that would be most convenient for the business customer. For us, globalization is not a very big problem considering that we only have one store in France, one in Germany, and both in Puerto Rico.As for a third challenge is technology. Everything is becoming on-line, and on the Internet. Some people cant go out to the store nonchalant do but something they need, and each store cant carry every pro duct. So as a CEO the best solution is to put them online so people can shop at home, and have the products shipped to their doorstep. Also by having available in store, if the store itself is out of a product, just vow it.

Abuse? :: essays research papers

AbuseAccording to a May 2001 article in Parents powder magazine 67% of the American population condones spanking as a regular form of discipline. Also, 67% say they would oppose a law prohibiting spanking at home and says that only 17% would support it. According to advice columnist and family psychologist John Rosemond, Many parents are becoming frustrated with the very weak forms of discipline du jour advocated by psychologically correct experts. He also says More than 90% of children raised in the 1950s and early 60s were spanked and we dont go round bang people when we dont get our way. While I was visiting a jock recently, she told me about her most recent visit to the doctor with her two-year-old daughter. She told me that she was nerve-racking to get her daughter ready to leave after the appointment was over and her daughter would not quit playing with the toys which were in the doctors office. subsequently several minutes of struggling with her daughter to get her coa t on, her daughter turned to her, said no, mom and then her daughter proceeded to slap her across the face. My friend put her daughter over her knee and gave her a quick swat and told her that she was not to treat her mother like that. After seeing this, a foster came over to my friend and told her that if they ever see her hit her daughter again they would call the Department of Children and Family Services. This situation is not all that unfamiliar to me these days. I project of parents in similar situations almost every day and sometimes I actually see it with my own eyes. For instance, I was in Wal-Mart a few weeks past and witnessed a woman tell a father that she was going to report him for child abuse because he grabbed his sons arm and yelled at him for taking off and running through the store. Apparently the father had turned to look at something on the shelf and when he turned back around his son was gone and the father was paged over the store intercom to come and retri eve his son from across the store. In my opinion, that child was lucky that his father hadnt given him a spanking right in the middle of the store. When I was a child my father would have given me a real whacker of a spanking for pulling a stunt like that in a store.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sharing Leadership :: essays research papers

Sharing LeadershipSong Shell Be Coming Round the Mountain     Shell be coming round the mountain when she comes, "Whoo, Hoo"      madcap six white horses ... "Whoa Back"     Well all go out to meet her... "Hi Babe"     Well kill the old red rooster... "Hack, Hack"     Well all devote chicken n dumplings... "Yum, Yum"     Well wear our bright red woolies... "Scratch, Scratch"-The subject of this presentation is Sharing Leadership.-I need 4 (four) volunteers.     Each get a Name-tag and same style card.-Now we are going to have a role-playing activity with four police hunters...     Introduce each.-The situation which each patrol attractor will lead us in is The Scoutmasterwould like your patrol to build a en campsitefire for all of the parents who arevisiting tonight. The W olf Patrol has also challenged your patrol to a game ofultimate. What will your patrol do?-Which drawing card handled the situation the trump out?-If the Patrol Leaders Council decided that it would be better if the troopwent to a different summer camp this summer, which leader would be best to leadthe aggroup?-If young Johnny Scout needs help in setting up his tent, but the patrol leaderhas to go to a Patrol Leaders Council, which leader would be best to lead thegroup?-If the patrol is going rock climbing and the Patrol leader is an expert, whichleader would be best to lead the group?-If the patrol must decide on a design for a new patrol flag, which leaderwould be best to lead the group?-If the Patrol leader needs to decide on a campsite for his patrol at summercamp and he gets knows that he may not get his first choice, which leader wouldbe best to lead the group?-Is there one leader that is best for all situations?-Does a good leader have a combination of all of these styles? -Now that we have a general idea of leadership styles, we can attempt each moreclosely. Remember that different situations often need different types ofleadership.-The Four Style of Leadership are Telling, Persuading, Consulting, andDelegating.-The First one, Telling, is sometimes called Ordering.-In this case, who identifies the problem, makes the decision, and directs theactivity?     (The leader)-Are the group members considered?     (Sometimes yes and sometimes no)-When is telling or ordering the right leadership style?

Sharing Leadership :: essays research papers

Sharing LeadershipSong Shell Be Coming Round the Mountain     Shell be coming round the mountain when she comes, "Whoo, Hoo"     Driving six vacuous horses ... "Whoa Back"     Well all go out to meet her... "Hi Babe"     Well kill the old red rooster... "Hack, Hack"     Well all have chicken n dumplings... "Yum, Yum"     Well wear our bright red woolies... "Scratch, Scratch"-The subject of this presentation is Sharing Leadership.-I need 4 (four) volunteers.     Each get a Name-tag and corresponding style card.-Now we atomic number 18 going to have a role-playing activity with four patrol leaders...     Introduce each.-The situation which each patrol leader will lead us in is The Scoutmasterwould like your patrol to build a campfire for all of the parents who arevisiting tonigh t. The Wolf Patrol has also challenged your patrol to a game ofultimate. What will your patrol do?-Which leader handled the situation the outflank?-If the Patrol Leaders Council decided that it would be better if the troopwent to a different summer camp this summer, which leader would be best to leadthe group?-If young Johnny Scout needs help in setting up his tent, but the patrol leaderhas to go to a Patrol Leaders Council, which leader would be best to lead thegroup?-If the patrol is going rock climbing and the Patrol leader is an expert, whichleader would be best to lead the group?-If the patrol must decide on a design for a new patrol flag, which leaderwould be best to lead the group?-If the Patrol leader needs to decide on a campsite for his patrol at summercamp and he gets knows that he may not get his first choice, which leader wouldbe best to lead the group?-Is there one leader that is best for all situations?-Does a good leader have a combination of all of these styles?-No w that we have a general idea of leadership styles, we can examine each more thanclosely. Remember that different situations often need different types ofleadership.-The Four Style of Leadership are Telling, Persuading, Consulting, andDelegating.-The First one, Telling, is sometimes called Ordering.-In this case, who identifies the problem, makes the decision, and directs theactivity?     (The leader)-Are the group members considered?     (Sometimes yes and sometimes no)-When is grievous or ordering the right leadership style?

Monday, May 27, 2019

Bodyshop Brand and Branding Essay

1. trade name OverviewThe bole grass over is famously known for its ethical set out to business, fair trade, 100% vegetarian products and being against animal testing (the, n.d.). The company believes in following their five core values which ar to support community fair trade development small medium sized suppliers, defend adult male rights create an aw beness of domestic dispute and child ab map, against animal testing, activate self-esteem looking after their customers and their employees and lastly protecting the planet reducing carbon dioxide levels, electricity, gas and water (, n.d). The system disclose has excessively created their own charity, The consistence sleuth foundation that was launched in 1990, emphasising on their 5 core values.1.1. Brand annalsAnita Roddick, a human rights activist and environmentalist founded the company in the United Kingdom in 1976. The first store was opened in Brighton the store was on a smal l scale and only sold 25 different products. A spirit of environmental friendliness dominated the brand by support its customers to recycle this philosophy would remain its motto till present (, n.d.).The Body Shop experienced rapid growth early on and its first oversea store was introduced in Belgium in 1978, by 1982 its growth increased to a rate of two stores opening per month. In 1984 the company entered the stock commercialise and its sh ars grew in value at a very uplifted rate, being nicknamed The shargons that defy gravity (Entine J, 2007).In 1985 the company sponsored posters for Greenpeace, starting its own campaign save the weal a year later to a fault for Greenpeace. In 1990 The Body Shop Foundation was introduced that funded human rights and environmental groups (The Body Shop International plc, 2012). These activities went to further arrive at its reputation as an environmentally conscious company, already cemented by its prohibition of animal tes ting on its products and successfully making animal testing irregular in the UK in 1998.By 1990 the company first opened in the United States, it had already expanded to 39 countries and had 2500 applications for a franchise. In 1994 the company launched its plow selling section, The Body Shop at home, expanding to other territories in later years. In 2006 the company was purchased by LOreal for 652.3 million, the company was no longer independent, nevertheless managed to introduce its operation independently from the company. (The Body Shop International plc, 2012).1.2.Product categoryThe Body Shop sells a collection of 900 natural beauty products with the inspired by nature slogan (The Body Shop, n.d.). The Body Shop has a range of products, meeting various demands of customers. Products, which make up this range for women are, skin business organisation, level, cop products, fragrance and body care, i.e. body butters. Mens products consist of body care, skincare, fragrance, shaving and deodorant. The following report will be focusing on The Body Shops body butter, as some may regard the brand for being most famous for there body butters. The product category, which most suits The Body Shop as a brand, is health and beauty. A reason why The Body Shop gained much(prenominal) huge success in the health and beauty market since it began could be the reasoning of 100% vegetarian products that are free from animal testing (, n.d).Other products, which are included in their portfolio, are seasonal products, for example, winter make-up products and limited addition Christmas body butters which carry fragrances such as ginger and cranberry. The brands online store indicates that the body butters are among their best sellers (, n.d). The Body Shop is classified as a high street retailer rather than a luxury brand retailer locating their stores in town centers, along with other high street retailers in beauty and cosmetics such as Boots, Superdrug and The perfume Shop. Competitors that pose a direct threat to The Body Shop are brands that promote environmental values such as, Origins, LOccitane, Space, Molton Brown and unstinted.2.Brand Owning OrganizationThe Body Shop was sold to LOreal in 2006 for an estimated sum of 625 million (BBC, 2007), The Body Shop would direct work with the chairman of LOreal himself. Annual financial reports and forecasts would be presented as part of the LOreal annual reports alongside other businesses that the company owns. By LOreal having ownership of The Body Shop it has questioned the brands identity on the basis of their values, and this has affected the exercise of The Body Shop which has been evidenced in LOreals 2012 annual report, In June The Body Shop had a total of 2,781 stores across the world this had consisted of stores operating in Western Europe, North America and new markets (, 2012).Looking into the gross revenue that The Body Shop have made in 2012, in the first half of 2012 they had made 373.9 million, however in the second half they have performed good lower that previous, totaling to 193.5 million (, 2012). The operating Profit of The Body Shop has come to a total sum of 11.6 million in 2012 (, 2012). Having shown the overall financial performance of The Body Shop from the previous year to the present, The Body Shop has shown some indication of lack of performance with a decreased sum of sales and profits.3. Brand Value PropositionThe Body Shops strategy has remained intact since the LOreal take over in 2006 unexpectedly considering LOreal is not associated with significant natural credentials. The Body Shop adopts a multi channel strategy which spans across stores, online and direct selling, prides itself on being Green and has five core values, against animal testing, using community fair trade, to activate self-esteem, defend human rights and protect the planet (thebodys, n.d.). The Body Shops customers are more biased to women and to the under 25s and the 45 54s, who seek natural and healthy products. (, 2008)Body care products such as the famous Body Butters are promoted to give functional benefits such as 24-hour hydration, leaving skin softer and smoother and providing a scent for the skin. Benefits of using their products on an emotional level could be your input to helping the environment, financial backing communities in third world countries, moisturizing your skin with natural ingredients, which are good for the skin, and the idea of using a product, which is more exclusive than a brand such as Nivea.The overall perceived brand value of The Body Shop however differs from their brand identity, if you consider The Body Shops competitor Origins, they use potent plants, organic ingredients and 100% natural oils (, n.d.). LOccitane uses ingredients sourced from local farming communities and sustainable devel opment programs and uses packaging materials, which are the least polluting or already recycled (, n.d.). Lushs green message seems ingrained in everything the company does, reflected in the minimizing packaging (, 2011). This research shows that the body shop is not doing anything its competitors arent, the packaging the company uses is not recycled and the products are not as natural as they make out with artificial smelling scents and packaging which has not previously been recycled.The body shop is an complete brand, being the first company to introduce fair trade to the beauty industry and prohibit testing on animals and has retained many of its loyal customers. The Body Shop doesnt undertake huge advertising campaigns and promotions are narrowed to the retail outlets and online. The Body Shops essence or aura could be defined as beauty with a heart they pride themselves on their values being at the heart of everything they do. (, n.d.) The word ethical would describe what The Body Shop stands for as it represents the brands values and identity.4. Brand Communications AuditThe Body Shop in relation to its body butter product line soon makes use of a number of communication theory bring, which are both internal and external in nature. The audit will now list the key communications with an indication of the detailed considerations underpinning the methods applyCorporate Website* The main internal communication for the body butter range may be seen as the corporate website. here(predicate) the communications are aimed at driving web-based sales as well as providing product tuition to both external customers and internal staff. Key information includes the features and benefits of the product ingredients used and tips to maximising the benefits of the product. The website also allows customers to communicate with one another sharing reviews and tips. In addition, the website also features a number of key marketi ng campaigns which are aimed at driving awareness of the brands ethical values and policies as opposed to sales revenue. (, n.d).Social Media Communications* One of the core communications to be used by The Body Shop in recent years is those, which take place through social media communication channels. In this case The Body Shop makes use of four major channels including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Tumbler. Product communities launched at heart Facebook have provided significant communications of the brands underlying values associated with ethical sourcing and production. In addition, the method also encourages electronic word of mouth communications (EWOM) to take place (Belch and Belch, 2012), with consumers being able to share reviews and information about key product lines such as the body butter range. In this case, again the communications method used may be seen as adopting an integrated approach to communications (Yeshin, 2006) with social media channe ls being linked to the companys website and vice versa.Television Advertising* To date, Body Shop has maintained a policy of minimising television advertising, partly repayable to the underlying beliefs of the founder of the business who believed that such advertising came into conflict with the ethical message of the brand (Rusch, 2012, Marketing Week, 2010). This may however be an element, which changes in the upcoming since the acquisition of the Body Shop on the behalf of LOreal, a company that uses significant levels of television advertising.Key communication campaigns have seen the use of an integrated approach to marketing with the use of a intermixtureture of in store advertising material and outdoor printed materials such as poster hoardings and billboards. Such communications mix was adopted in the recent love your body campaign, which aimed to tap into the public debate on the issue of female self esteem and the perception of the tangible body. In this case, the under lying message was designed to encourage consumers to enjoy life regardless of physical appearance (Thumped, 2012).5. Product Category AuditThe table preceding(prenominal) shows the market value sales of body care within UK. As you can see from the chart above the market for body care has declined since 2010 and a further decrease is expected in 2012 by 2.1%, which makes it 326m equal to 2009 figures (Mintel, 2011). However the prediction for the market is bright as you can see the sale figures are due to increase by 2017 reaching 346million. The weakening sales of the body care market could be due to difficult economy and slowing of spending, it also seems as though consumers would substitute spending on body care for beauty products seen as more essential such as facial care, hair care and especially make up (Mintel, 2012).The Body shop is a specialist cosmetic and toiletries brand and the market share for body shop within this market is 6.4% which makes them fourth largest within the market behind Superdrug, The Perfume Shop and Savers H&B. The Body shop is not only a body care brand, so within the 6.4% of the market share they offer many different kinds of products such as hair care, facial care, fragrances and more. The latest method The Body Shop used in an aim to increase their market share was partnering with Sephora in order to increase brand awareness within the market. (Mintel, 2011)Since LOreal took over The Body Shop as a brand, it has shown no growth within the market, suggesting LOreal fails to show any devotion to make The Body Shop a pencil lead or major player within the health and beauty market. The Lily Cole Cruelty Free Makeup Collection is one of the latest developments of The Body Shop, which they are hoping can give them an edge over their competitors. The Body Shop has also recently introduced a loyalty card scheme in order to maintain their competitiveness in the market.The increase in ethical consumerism has resulted in rising envir onmentally friendly brands entering market therefore customers are expecting more from companies who are ethical. The change that may affect the market in coming years is technology because companies such as Boots are already adapting to the changes for example a frump and Collect where the customer can purchase a product online and collect it from a store of there choice free of charge (,n.d.).

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Aristotle & Mill on Capital Punishment

Aristotle & molars Opinion on Capital Punishment Brianna Lelli Hugh Miller Paper 2 egress 4 October 17th 2011 Capital Punishment is a honourable debate in todays conjunction. It is the judicial execution of criminals judged guilty of seat of government offenses by the state, or in other words, the death penalty. The first established death penalty laws nookie date back to the Eighteenth Century B. C. and the ethical debates towards this study have existed solely as long. There is a constant pro-con debate about this issue, and philosophers like Aristotle and Mill have their own take on this controversy as well.Aristotle is against capital punishment, while Mill believes it is morally permissible. Let me start off with Aristotle. In the Nicomachean Ethics book there isnt a chapter devote to his position on capital punishment, but as a whole, we get an idea of his position against it. For example when he says, e very(prenominal) state of soul is naturally related to and about whatever naturally makes it better or worse and pleasures and pains make people base, from pursuing and avoiding the wrong ones, at the wrong time, in the wrong ways, or whatever other distinctions of that sort are needed in an account.These bad effects of pleasure and pain are the reason why people actually define the virtues as ways of being unaffected and undisturbed by pleasures and pains. (Book 2, 3. 11) Aristotle necks its in peoples nature to know pay from wrong, and people strive to be virtuous because that is the highest good. Virtuous actions are what people strive for, however they sometimes do the opposite. These actions are called vices which can essentially fall into the analogous category as capital crimes or capital offenses which are the crimes that can be penalized by death.Aristotle believes that no matter how terrible a person acts, they have the say-so to overcome it and become virtuous. Everybody has the talent to do well and achieve happiness according to Aristotle. People achieve this happiness by their actions and decisions, and we make these decisions by reasoning. Aristotles beliefs about human character are almost down to a science. Everything we do has a reason why, and every animation being has the capacity to reason. Some people reason to be virtuous but others are vicious and commit crimes such as rape, murder, and treason, ect.Aristotle believes in sonorous these heinous crimes, but more importantly, reforming those who commit these offenses through corrective treatments. He believes that overstepce everybody has the capacity to be virtuous, that everybody has the capacity to reason and reform from mistakes. Aristotle would hate to charm a person with such potential in life be sentenced to death just because of a bad mistake. He believes the one who did the crime still has a value in society and does non deserve to die.In accordance to Aristotles ethics, it would never be morally permissible to kill somebody who s till has potential to be virtuous, no matter what circumstance. Aristotle believes vicious acts should be punished with fair and equal penalties. He has a whole theory on justice, which is where we get the flat coat of his ideas towards capital punishment. In his opinion, the death penalty can never be thought of as morally permissible because it is immoral, unconstitutional, and irrevocable. John Stuart Mill, on the other hand, does not share this belief.He is in support of the death penalty for multiple reasons. A major topic Mill focuses on is human nature. He believes all humanness know the difference between whats right and whats wrong, but he hark backs its in humans nature to want to sin and break the law. People want to break the law just because its there. That is part of being a human. Sinning is the wrong thing to do, while the right thing to do is whatever produces the most good. Whether people chose to sin or strive for ultimate ends of pleasure, they will be rewarde d or punished for their decisions.In Mills Utilitarianism, he says With many, the test of justice in penal infliction is that the punishment should be proportioned to the offence guessing that it should be exactly measured by the moral guilt of the culprit (whatever be their standard for measuring moral guilt) the consideration, what amount of punishment is necessary to deter from the offence, having nothing to do with the question of justice, in their estimation. (IV, 49) Which basically means that the punishment must fit the crime.Mill has an eye for an eye and a overlyth for a tooth stand storey. If a person commits a terrible crime, they are nowhere well-nigh reaching a desirable end, nor do they have capacity to be virtuous, as Aristotle would say. If somebody is guilty of murder, then life in jail is too mild of a punishment for the crime he committed. It goes the other way well-nigh too. If somebody is guilty of theft, then life in jail may be too hard of a punishment fo r that particular crime. Mill believes the exactly efficient punishment is one that is exactly equal to the crime.He doesnt think a murderer should be allowed to live on with the potential to murder again. Another thing Mill focuses on is general responses among a society. He believes the only way to find desirable pleasure is to ask people and get a general response. So if you asked the family of a murder victim what they would like to see happen to the murderer, a probable general response would be to have him sentenced to death as well, and that is exactly what should happen. We know that Aristotle would oppose capital punishment and Mill is in support of it.Neither Aristotle nor Mill is right or wrong, both their ideas are just opinions of what is morally permissible. The thing about morals is that they can mean something different to everybody. They arent a part of human nature morals are brought up through experience and surroundings. Aristotle and Mill lived in very differen t times. Perhaps Mill had a personal experience where he dealt with proper punishment, which could have shaped what he felt was fair or moral. The same can be said for Aristotle. Even today, the debate about capital punishment exists.Many factors go into peoples side of the argument theyre on. nearly any argument can be shifted to support each side of the capital punishment debate. So you have to consider what was important in society during Aristotles lifetime around 330 B. C. and Mills lifetime in the late 1800s. Itd be quite shocking if the two philosophers shared beliefs on this side since they are from two completely different worlds. Another thing to consider is the definition of morally permissible, because permissible doesnt always mean right.For instance, just because Mill believes its morally permissible to have capital punishment, that doesnt necessarily mean he would kill every person he felt did something vicious. Neither Aristotle nor Mill is right or wrong, they just based their morals on their experiences. Aristotles main concern is virtue, and if a person has capacity to be virtuous, their life should never be ended no matter the circumstance, whether theyre ill, old, handicapped, or even vicious. Mill has the eye for an eye stand point and feels all punishment should fit the crime equally.In todays society we see a little bit of both Aristotle and Mills theories when it comes to capital punishment. It is not typically our method of punishment in our time, however it does exist if the crime is serious enough. Personally, I agree with Mill more on this issue, just because I think its fair to get appropriate punishment, but like I said, it all comes down to the morals of the individual. What happens in the world around us shapes our values and morals. Opinions are never wrong, and neither are morals.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Locke vs. Rousseau Essay

?According to Rousseau, the original condition of mankind was a peaceful and quixotic time in which people lived solitary, rustic lives. This differs from Lockes concept of the state of nature in that, his natural condition of mankind was a state liberty in which one was able to take up ones life as they saw fit. Like Rousseaus, it was a time of peace between the people, but Lockes was not necessarily a solitary life. ?The state of nature for Locke was a state wherein there were no civil authorities or governments to punish people for transgressions against rectitudes, but was not a state without morality.It was pre-political, but was not pre-moral. In it, persons were assumed to be equal to one another, and therefore equally capable of realizing and being obliged by the law of nature. (The law of nature being one internal, which commanded that no one should harm another as concerning their life, health, liberty, or possessions p. 4). In Lockes pre-contract condition, one was not a t absolute liberty to do whatever one chose to do they were inherently bound by the law of nature. ?Rousseaus state of nature had no unavowed retention. Private property was something which arose from the stages leading up to the need for authority.Where Locke saw property as something which was naturally protected in the state of nature, Rousseau conceived of property ? the result of greed, argument and vanity- as humanities reason for abandoning such a time and entering into the contract. ?For Rousseau, the few needs of the people in the pre-contract condition were easily satisfied by nature. Because of the abundance of nature and the small size of the population, competition was non-existent, and persons rarely even saw one another, much less had reason for conflict or fear.?Moreover, for Rousseau, the undecomposable and morally pure persons in the pre-contract condition were naturally endowed with the capacity for pity, and therefore were not inclined to bring harm to one an other. There were no inherent ? laws forbidding transgressions on another it was an internal aptitude for pity. It was the division of labor (once families and communities had developed and leisure time had resulted) that led to value and property, whereas Locke saw property as something that was existent in the natural condition.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Psych Educational

Across subject areas and levels, educational research has identified several discrete skills link to an overall ability for critical thinking. These are Finding analogies and opposite kinds of relationships between pieces of information Determining the relevance and validity of information that could be used for structuring and puzzle out problems Finding and evaluating solutions or alternative ways of treating problemsEducational research has found several discrete skills related to an overall ability for critical thinking finding analogies and other kinds of relationships, determining the relevance and validity of information, and finding and evaluating solutions or alternative ways of treating problems (Potts, Bonnie (1994). Strategies for teaching critical thinking. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 4(3). Retrieved February 27, 2013 from http//PAREonline. net/getvn. asp? v=4&n=3 . This paper has been viewed 115,891 times since 11/13/1999. ). References Bandura, A . (1986). amicable foundation of thought and action A social cognitive theory.Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice Hall. Brewer, E. W. , Campbell, A. C. , Petty, G. C. (2000). Foundations of Workforce Education. Dubuque, Iowa Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Huitt, W. , & Hummel, J. (1998). The Behavioral System. Retrieved via the World Wide Web, February 15, 2002. Available at http//www. edpsycinteractive. org/topics/behavior/behovr. html Parkay, F. W. & Hass, G. (2000). Curriculum Planning (7th Ed. ). Needham Heights, MA Allyn & Bacon. Shaffer, D. (2000) Social and Personality Development (4th Ed. ). Belmont, CA Wadsworth/Thompson Learning. Skinner, B. (1972). Utopia through the control of human behavior.In John Martin Rich, ed. , Readings in the Philosophy of Education. Belmont, CA Wadsworth. What is ABA? http//rsaffran. tripod. com/whatisaba. html Instructional Scenarios Here are well-nigh scenarios that portray educational applications of behaviorism Scenarios for Using Behaviorism Bibliography Additional Resources Citation APA Citation Standridge, M.. (2002). Behaviorism. In M. Orey (Ed. ), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved , from http//projects. coe. uga. edu/epltt/ Retrieved from http//projects. coe. uga. edu/epltt/index. php? title=Behaviorism